19 March 2010

1 Free Throw

Seriously? Can't hit 1. Fucking. Free. Throw?

On other notes...
Do yourself a favor and check out The Heavy... they are the band responsible for the How You Like Me Now song in the Kia add where the monsters run amok. The CD (The House that Dirt Built) has a ton of flavor, and feels like a garage band with funky foundations and horns.

Much to my own surprise, I'm coming around on Kings of Leon... more on this later.

A look into things to come...

> Sequential Story Telling and the Cliff Hanger - a theory on why some people live for it and some people hate it
> Podcasts you should be listening to
> How I learned to love the little things... Why Zombieland was excellently crafted entertainment
> The Pacific - thoughts as I watch more than the first episode
> The Seige - how years of vigilance standing behind BMB have been payed off in spades

All for now... talk to you kids in a few days...

07 March 2010


Post deleted as it was full of emo...