04 July 2011

Le Tour De France 2011: Stage 3

With an American triumphant, I say Happy 4th of July!

Well, the boy finally did it. Tyler Farrah, after 3 years of trying, finally won a stage at Le Tour. After HTC over shot their lead out, Garmin was ready and waiting to setup the win and it played out perfectly. It is a compliment to Hushovd's character that he is willing to lead out someone else for stage wins and take the individual glory of the stages that fit him. This has been Garmin's race so far, and I can't wait to watch tomorrow.

Maybe this bodes well for one of their GC guys, who have always come just shy of winning. Perhaps Garmin's luck is all lined up this year?

As for coverage... I've said it before many times and I'll repeat it today: there is nothing like watching a bunch sprint called by Phil Ligget and Paul Sherwin. They are unmatched in their ability to draw you in and speak in detail about what is going on while still keeping the causal fan excited.

Also, as much as I like Craig Hummer, roaming reporter, I'd rather have him back in the booth. Liam was tripping over words repeatedly and it frustrates me to see him there. He's good, but needs to grow into the role.

Happy Fourth of July to all those reading in America!

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